Mud and Rainbows

Today marks one year since we moved into our home – our first home that we are paying for, that belongs to us, that we can do what we want with, that is ours.

Wildflower Bouquet

Well, after it’s paid for, which we’re on track to do in around a decade.

During the last year . . .

We’ve watched the loan principal drop by $7,323.52.

We’ve dealt with a series of unfortunate events regarding our vehicles, just yesterday learning the hard way that our new-to-us SUV does not have a reliable gas gauge.

We’ve replaced the refrigerator, heating element on the oven, handle to the dishwasher, the washer and dryer, torn down and put up drywall, painted, created a closet out of what was once a doorway, made other closets more functional, and most recently discovered our heating and air unit needs replaced.

We’ve installed a fence for the dogs, planted three trees, morning glories, roses, buckets of mint, etc, and planned forty-seven acres worth of outdoor wishes for our little acre of dreams.

Blueberry Bush, Roses, Mint, Lemon Trees

We’ve gained a table that seats eight and set up an outdoor table that we sometimes use for schoolwork though I hope to use it for building community.

Outdoor Table

We’ve met sweet neighbors who willingly share life wisdom, their talents and time, and extra garden produce.

We’ve explored a small section of nearby woods, named a few places, found evidence of blackberries in the area, and brought home mazes of scratches.

We’ve studied the largest moth in North America, spiders and their prey, a wiggling lizard tail, and the difference between granddaddy longlegs and daddy long-legs spiders. We’ve spent nearly two hours watching tree trimmers and discussing why they must remove branches from growing close to the power lines.

Largest Moth in North America - Hyalophora cecropiaSpiders

Seven people have celebrated birthdays. We were sick for Mother’s Day, and Easter celebrations stretched out a couple weeks. I gave each of the dogs an Easter egg after the short one snuck out behind me and helped himself. My husband built five toy boxes for Christmas.

Frozen and Transformers Birthday Cakes Dogs Eating Easter EggsChristmas Toy Boxes

One kid got stitches, and I no longer have children who have never had antibiotics. (Three cheers for probiotics!)

After a decade of changing diapers my youngest is now potty-trained. Mostly.

Twelve years of marriage.

I’m creating bigger pockets of writing time and adding pennies to the family budget with my logophilia.

Last month, we started family goals meetings, and <3 <3 <3 <3 <3. (I heart goals and goal setting.)

This school year we’ll only have one kid not officially in school.

I’ve been planning for months to share future plans in celebration of this first anniversary. I told myself to pick just five things for now. The fixing-up on this fixer-upper will never end.

But we’ve lived a lot of life this past year. Mud and rainbows and the space between.

Rainbow Over Cow Field